Lesly Abigail Salgado | Honduras

Bilateral Hearing Loss
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Lesly was able to get her hearing aids on July 2024, along with the spare batteries. She will continue to have her follow up appointments once a month for the following year. Lesly is extremely grateful for the opportunity of hearing for the first time in her life.


Lesly was taken to the ENT doctor and had audiometry done, which must be repeated next year for the hearing aids to be made.


AGE: 7
COMMUNITY: Las Uvas, Teupasenti
DIAGNOSTIC: Bilateral Hearing Loss

Lesly is a 7-year-old girl, whose case came to us through our coordinator Luis Diaz. She lives with her family in the community of Las Uvas, Teupasenti – a community located in a rural area 3 1/2 hours from the capital. Her father farms beans and corn and it is their only family economic resource. Marco Tulio, Lesly’s father, informed us that his daughter has been diagnosed with a hearing problem for a long time, but due to a lack of economic resources, he has not been able to realize his dream of having Lesly be able to hear normally. To communicate with her, he must speak directly into her ear or she cannot hear him. He has been patiently waiting and has requested help for his daughter.

Next Steps

Please help us raise funds to be able to get the hearing aids for Lesly.

Call to Action

Please help us raise funds so that Lesly can get the hearing aids she needs.